Josh Butler on the Predict and Prevent Podcast
AI, Computer Vision, Event, Workplace Safety

Josh Butler on the Predict and Prevent Podcast

Tune in to the latest episode of the Predict and Prevent podcast to hear our very own Josh Butler discuss his motivations, the origin story of CompSci[...]

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Insight, Workplace Safety

Key Steps in Conducting a Comprehensive Risk Assessment

Conducting a comprehensive risk assessment is a critical process for any organization aiming to proactively manage and mitigate risks. This process involves identifying, analyzing, and evaluating risks to minimize, monitor, and control the probability or impact of unfortunate events. Here are the key steps involved in conducting a comprehensive risk assessment:   1. Identify the […]

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AI, Computer Vision, Insight, Workers' Comp, Workplace Safety

Reducing TRIR with AI and Computer Vision

TRIR (Total Recordable Incident Rate) is a measure of how many work-related injuries and illnesses occur in a workplace, usually expressed as a rate per 100 employees per year. AI (Artificial Intelligence) and computer vision can help reduce TRIR by improving workplace safety through the use of advanced technologies. We have measurably reduced TRIR for […]

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Ergonomics, Resources, Workers' Comp, Workplace Safety

How To Reduce DART Rates

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Computer Vision, Insight, Workplace Safety

Enhancing Forklift Safety with Computer Vision: Addressing Critical Driving Issues

Forklifts are indispensable in various industrial settings, from warehouses to construction sites, where they transport heavy materials over short distances. Despite their utility, forklifts pose significant safety risks if not operated correctly. Operator errors due to poor visibility, incorrect blade positioning, overhead hazards, and the risk of pinning are common issues leading to accidents. Computer […]

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